Cove Street Arts

For those of you who are near Portland, ME and in need of an outing, please stop by the Cove Street Arts gallery to see the work of five photo-based artists in the exhibition entitled “Abstract Nature”. The gallery space is huge and the curator (Bruce Brown) was kind enough to include six images from my Flow series and five from my Frozen Light series.

“Abstract Nature”
Cove Street Arts
Portland, ME
25 February-24 April
Tues-Fri 10AM-5.30PM, Saturday 10AM-5PM

The gallery follows Maine CDC guidelines for Covid. Please feel free to call ahead for any clarifications you might want. 207-808-8911

Introducing "Re/Place"

Until now my work has been inspired exclusively by nature. In January, anticipating a full-time move back to the city, I began exploring how I might work with subject matter that was not rooted in nature. Each of the images in “Re/Place” is made up of lines, forms and colour that I carefully excavated from individual rooms and then re-assembled to allow me to view my surroundings in a completely new way. To see and read more, please click here.

"Uncharted Geography" at Workspace Gallery

Uncharted Constellations #14

Uncharted Constellations #14

I am both excited and delighted to announce this solo exhibition at the Workspace Gallery in Lincoln, Nebraska. Included in this show are 16 images drawn from two series—Uncharted Constellations and The Geography of Light.

If anyone is in the neighbourhood, please stop by to take a look.

“Uncharted Geography”
Workspace Gallery
Sawmill Building | 440 N. 8th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska
3 January-6 March, 2020
Reception: 7 February 6-8 PM

Introducing "Unbound"

This past winter I began working on a new project, entitled “Unbound”. This project builds on my previous work, in which I used photographs of formless colour to explore notions of perception. In Unbound, I take similarly de-focused photographs of sea and sky, rendering them as fields of pure colour and boundless light. I then pair these images (sea above sea, sky above sky, sea above sky and sky above sea) to create imaginary views that mirror the states of mind (happiness, joy, serenity, restlessness, unity) that I experience when gazing out to sea. To see a sampling from this series, please click here.

Wheaton Biennial

I am delighted to share that two images from my Intervals series—Twilight (Wyoming) and One Day (Wyoming)—are were selected for inclusion in Wheaton College’s 4th biennial. The exhibit is held at the Beard and Weil Galleries in Norton, Massachusetts. This exhibit features 31 artists from different discplines, all of whose work challenges, explores, and celebrates the definition and history of painting as an artistic medium.

Brush Coat Cover (2019 Wheaton Biennial)
Beard and Weil Galleries
Wheaton College
Norton, MA
14 Feb-8 March, 2019
Reception: 19 Feb. 5-7.30 PM

Griffin Museum of Photography

Mid-month (Wyoming)

Mid-month (Wyoming)

This past winter I spent a month at an artist residency in Wyoming. During this time I created a body of work entitled "Intervals (Wyoming)" in which I wove conventional measures of time  together with my visual experience of it. I am delighted to report that one image, "Mid-month (Wyoming)", from this series is included in the Griffin Museum of Photography's 24th Annual Exhibition, along with the work of many other photographers. If you can, please stop by sometime this summer to view what looks to be an exciting collection of photographs.  Or better still, join me at the opening on the 19th July.

24th Annual Exhibition
Griffin Museum of Photography
Winchester, MA
19 July-2 September, 2018
Juror's Talk*: 19 July (6.15 PM)
Reception: 19 July (7-8.30 PM)

* Richard McCabe, Curator, Ogden Museum, New Orleans

Fort Wayne Museum of Art

If you happen to be anywhere Fort Wayne (Indiana), please stop by the Fort Wayne Museum of Art to view the "National: Best Contemporary Photography 2018" exhibition. I am delighted that the above image from my Intervals series is included in what looks to be a very exciting exhibition.

The National: Best Contemporary Photography 2018
Fort Wayne Museum of Art
Fort Wayne, IN
Dates: 21 April-18 July, 2018

"Weekend" at Perspective Gallery, Evanston, IL

I am very happy to announce that "Weekend", an image from my "Intervals" series, will be on display at the Perspective Gallery in Evanston, Illinois. "Intervals" is an ongoing project in which I explore conventional measures of Time in relationship to my personal experience of Time.

If you happen to be in the Chicago area, please stop by and visit the gallery.

Lens 2018
Perspectives Gallery
Evanston, IL
1 March-1 April, 2018 (Open Thurs.-Sat 12-6PM and Sun. 12-5PM)
Reception: 3 March (5-7PM)

More information coming soon about another exhibition in which "Intervals" will be included.


Griffin Museum at SoWa, Boston

In case you missed the pop-up show in Chelsea, MA last month, here's your chance to view "Unscene" again. The Griffin Museum is hosting the exhibition at 530 Harrison Avenue for the next two months. This show features work from my Uncharted Constellations series, which consists of photographs of brightly lit snow crafted to resemble nightscapes, both real and other-worldly. The reception coincides with First Friday in SoWa so there should be plenty of other interesting work to see in nearby galleries and artist studios.

Griffin Museum at SoWa
530 Harrison Avenue
Boston, MA
11 July-12 September, 2017 (Mon-Fri: 8AM-5PM)
Reception: 4 August (6-8 PM)